hey & welcome!
I’m Fallon! Wife, momma, kitchen creative, & the face behind the internet-famous bone broth hot chocolate.
After being diagnosed with a chronic illness and having a precious little one face major health issues, I dove full force into healing through food.
Years later, I am off medication and have a thriving, healthy little boy.
Today I get to live in food freedom and vibrancy I never thought possible.
I’m here to encourage women walking in their own pursuit of wellness, teaching them how to make delicious and nourishing meals for the whole family.
I was dairy-and-all-the-other-things-free for five sad years. This nourishment foundation allowed me (and now SO many other women!) to jump back in to all my favorite foods.
Years ago, I started on a path to holistic healing and waded the waters of elimination diets like Autoimmune Paleo, low-carb, no sugar, Whole 30, etc. I was convinced if I could just eliminate all of my food sensitivities from my diet, I would improve and lose my symptoms.
While I did find some healing through this approach, it never felt sustainable. I was cutting foods constantly, chasing symptoms, and missing the meals I loved. In true form, I dove into every piece of research I could find and it wasn’t long until I was convinced enough to at least try stepping away from the mold I had miserably lived in for so long.

Once I understood that health culture has nixed almost all of the wrong foods while praising some of the most biologically unsupportive, my health started to change rapidly.
I came off my medication
almost immediately.
My hands and feet stopped being cold all the time, my digestion became regular, my energy improved, and I rejoice to this day in my food freedom. Once I accepted the fact that my body was not meant to starve or eliminate entire macronutrient groups and started consuming foods that were truly supporting my thyroid and metabolism, I finally started to thrive.
It shouldn’t take everyone five years of guessing games and wasted doctor bills to get here. I swore I would never be able to drink coffee or have dairy ever again, yet here I am, enjoying food freedom and meals that I look forward to every single day.
who AM I, really?
I’d rather reread Little Women for the 25th time than pick up a modern new book.
My son’s name is Bennett. And my other son’s middle name is Weston. It’s a healthy addiction.
high high and low lows y’all.
zero drop, wide box, you know the drill
and I would never trade it! Plus my kids think it’s cool that I went to a dig site. I’m basically Laura Dern.
as a military brat who moved every 3 years, my current friends are now stuck with me for life.
“Those who look to Him are radiant, their faces are never covered in shame.” Psalm 34:5