How We Save Money on Medical Costs

How my family of 5 saves, while pursuing holistic & natural wellness!

With three rough and tumble little boys who eat NON-STOP, we do our best to save money where we can. Here's some of my favorite ways to feel empowered as a momma at home and cut down on our health costs!

These are things that have worked great for our family personally and I hope it provides some inspiration or encouragement!


Having an at-home tool kit

We keep a pulse oxometer, blood pressure cuff, glucose monitoring kit, and thermometer at home. They're basic, affordable tools that can help give peace of mind on objective data points. This doesn't negate seeing a practitioner, but I can't tell you how many times we've wondered if a coughing child needs to go to the hospital in the middle of the night - our pulse ox has been a lifesaver to make an informed decision!


Investing in our food and air quality

If you've followed me for a while, you were probably waiting for this to show up πŸ˜‰ . We personally see our health as an up-front investment, and rarely have sick visits because of our foundation. That doesn't mean we're never susceptible to illness, but putting our resources into quality food and non-toxic home supplies has made it so much easier to stay out of health crisis!


Naturopathic remedies

Speaking of having fewer sick visits - I can't tell you how many we've been spared from them because we keep things like homeopathy, quality herbal support, and whole food supplements on hand. It's amazing what some garlic oil and homeopathy can do for even a severe ear infection. 

(This conversation is certainly a deeper one, but worth doing some digging around to get started on learning some basics for your family!) 

Again, this is not saying to always skip the doc - you may need to go and that's okay! But I've been amazed at how much natural support has kept that from being a necessity for us personally.


Leaving health insurance

This is the icing on the cake - it has been HUGE for us, I truly can't overstate that. A couple years ago, we gave up health insurance and joined Samaritan Ministries, a Biblical health-share that has changed our medical experience. 

Not only does our family have a very affordable monthly commitment, but we have also saved quite literally thousands of dollars when we've had medical emergencies as well.

We've had one broken finger, one ER trip, and one hospitalization since being a part of Samaritan Ministries and our bill-paying experience has never been simpler or more stress-free. Also, I can't tell you how much it meant to receive personal cards, notes, and prayers for the crisis we were walking through! 

And of course, I LOVE that if you have a medical need that requires some holistic treatments, some of the expenses of that could be submitted as well! Most of those kinds of treatments are not covered by insurance providers, so this really was a big step in the journey of cost reduction for us!

We recently submitted shares for functional lab testing for my husband for things like hormone testing, a gut microbiome test, and chiropractic and fascia massage therapies!

We love being a part of a Biblically-based ministry that connects us with other believers while also being much easier on our budget!

I hope these tips help!

This email is sponsored by Samaritan Ministries. I am VERY selective when it comes to partnership and promotional work and only share opinions that are tried & true and 100% my own! See my full disclosure policy here.


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