5 Health Benefits of Coffee
I cut out coffee for five sad, tired years and it turns out, the symptoms I experienced from java were more about my prep method, sourcing, & my overall health than coffee being "bad". It's actually quite supportive when used in a... well, supportive way!
If you want more coffee and less talkey, you can use FALLONSTABLE20 to save 20% on my favorite organic coffee!
(this post is not sponsored, it’s just my favorite coffee! It does include affiliate links that may earn me a small commission at no increase cost to you.)
Today we're going to go full research mode and use some amazing PubMed findings to breakdown some of the coolest things about our favorite hot drink.
It appears to correlate with lower cancer risk & lower all-cause mortality.
Definitely leads to more happiness and niceness (okay maybe I made this one up but I feel like it's still *science*)
Here's the truth - when coffee is used in a balanced way (because I think we can agree it shouldn't be your primary “hydration” and NEVER your solo breakfast), it can offer us health benefits, connection, memories, warmth, and enjoyment.
For years I fell prey to the very “diet-culturey” idea that coffee is just plain bad. Period. (And for that old blood pressure adage - I often check mine a couple hours after drinking and it's perfect - so there are certainly other factors at play if coffee isn't working for you! Here's one more PubMed study on that, for more than just anecdotal evidence.)
(That also doesn't mean we flip the script and say everybody ever should be drinking coffee even if they don't feel great with it!)
But there's plenty of room for walking in freedom in the middle - where we enjoy the benefits that coffee has to offer, both physical & emotional.
Because it's not just about coffee, it's conversation with my husband, it's productivity over my morning, it's meaningful time with a snuggled up kiddo & cozy feelings in my home.
And if I'm going to be a person who seeks balanced meals and has one cup of coffee a day, I'm going to make it a dang good cup. Every time I travel I realize truly how good Purity's quality and flavor is.
I like to have my organic, mold-free coffee with quality half & half and pure maple syrup, alongside my breakfast, I don't “rely” on it for energy, and I savor that morning cup!
And there you have it, folks, Drink your coffee today and feel great about it 😉