What My Cravings Were REALLY Telling Me
The top 10 cravings I see in women, & what they are really saying!
I’m a firm believer that we have been viewing cravings all wrong.
And when viewed rightly, I believe our cravings can be a powerful part of healing.
Cravings are often touted as something to “beat” or “overcome”, but I think they are gracious messengers meant to lead us into certain nutrients. Cravings are nothing to be ashamed of - I believe we have a good Creator that gave us this insightful tool on purpose!
Here are some of the top cravings I have seen align with my own mineral and nutrient testing and needs, and that seem to be the most common among the women I encounter as well!
1. Chocolate cravings - (I see you drinking my viral bone broth hot choc every day) Strong chocolate cravings can be your body's cry for magnesium or copper. Both of these essential nutrients are some of the MOST depleted minerals in our current lifestyle. Chocolate, cooked leafy greens, and broth can be great sources of magnesium in particular!
Need some chocolate recipes? I’ve got you covered! My meal plans have the BEST fudgey brownies sweetened with dates & pure maple syrup, my Fixin’s cookbook has nourishing chocolate pudding pots and a to-die for chocolate pie, and my Tots cookbook has chocolate zucchini bread, homemade candy bars, and possibly too many other chocolate-inclusive things 😉)
2. Sugar - It makes me so sad to continually see people feeling ashamed because of their sugar cravings. It's not something to beat, it's something to honor. Now that I eat nourishing forms of sugar (maple syrup, ripe fruit, honey, etc), I don't have cravings that feel out of control anymore.
And those afternoon sugar cravings? They might mean you didn’t get quite enough protein at breakfast! (My meal plans are high-protein and super fun if you need some guidance!)
3. Dairy - As someone who was dairy free for about 5 years and re-introduced it about 5 years ago, ALL l've wanted at various times is dairy. Because I did a mineral analysis test recently, I can see that things like my calcium are coming up to a good range because of how I listened to my body's signals.
4. Nut butters/fatty foods - I have to say, I no longer crave nut butters very often. But I did for years and years when I was dairy-free. What I really needed were fat soluble vitamins through saturated fats like butter, ghee, coconut oil, and dairy. The vitamin E in quality nuts is also a great support, but keeping nuts in their biologically proper place (ie - not consuming them in multiple handfuls), is much more supportive.
5. Nightly desserts - I am totally NOT team desserts-are-bad. I mean, l'm all about nutrition-ified brownies and hot chocolate and ice cream over here, but there was a season where I was bingeing almond based paleo desserts every night because I was not eating anywhere near enough. I can now enjoy a nutritious treat without guilt or fear of eating until I feel like exploding.
Curious if you might be under-eating? Take my quiz here!
6. Excessive water - Did you know excess mineral-lacking water consumption can flush out minerals, leading to further dehydration and stress? And if you're craving crazy amounts of water, chances are you actually need mineral supportive hydration like OJ/ adrenal cocktails, bone broth, milk, hydrating fruits, and remineralized water (trace mineral drops are great if you don’t have a mineralizing filter!).
7. Coffee - I won't lie, I sort of wish I could do coffee all day every day without being in the bathroom all day every day. But I mean, who among us can. Intense coffee cravings can certainly be a sign that your body really wants more magnesium (and sometimes it just means you need some good ol’ fashion sleep!)
8. Salty foods - If your body is asking for salt, guess what, it wants salt!! Sodium is one of our top 4 most critical minerals (along with magnesium, potassium, and calcium), and intense cravings can be a signal that your adrenals and stress response need a bit of attention.
And as a super weird flex, one of my very favorite, niche compliments I get on my recipes often is that they have the perfect amount of salt and I have to say, that’s high praise as a full-time recipe developer!
9. Cheese - Many of us who have hopped back on the cheese train after several years without find that we can hardly get enough, and for good reason! Being dairy free in particular often lends itself to a lack of fat soluble vitamins and calcium, and our body knows better than to go without! I prefer organic and raw cheeses when I can find them!
10. Bread/starchy food - Can't enough bread and starches? For me, it was just a simple cry for more quality carbohydrates. My personal favorite choices are things like organic sourdough, root veggies (potatoes included!), and ripe fruits.
Carbs have been demonized in recent years but they are essential to thyroid & hormone health, and whole-food versions offer not only a cozy-hug-in-a-bite, but also mineral support! The humble potato, for example, is not just carbs - it’s potassium, vitamin C, vitamin b6. Fruit isn’t just carbs- it’s copper, vitamin C, hydration…you see what I mean?!
(And again with the recipe touting - you want carbs & potatoes? I’M YOUR GIRL. I require a minimum of 2-3 potato recipes in each of my cookbooks because they are perfect and I love them.
The moral? Cravings are often friends, not enemies!
Take a look at your cravings and what they might be saying to you. They are often not a lack of willpower, it’s usually a cry for a specific need! Now, this doesn’t mean we regularly succumb to non-supportive things, but our bodies were designed intuitively & intentionally, and they do speak to us! Your binges and cravings might be causing shame, but I encourage you to gently let that go. Figure out what your body is asking for instead!